
the politics of a 6 year old girl...

“Mom, dad still wants John McCain to win. Why do we want “Brock O Bama” to win? Cuz he’s taller? All John McCain does is talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. He’s a chatterbox. He just chats and chats and chats. Brock O Bama has plans. John McCain just talks and talks. Doesn’t he mom? And he doesn’t have any plans. He’s just a chatterbox. Brock O Bama has plans. That’s why we want him to win, right?”

How can you argue with that logic?


Guacaholic said...

I cannot argue with that logic. She's one smart cookie!

feisty said...

give that kiddo an extra squeeze for me tonight! SO SWEET!!

Jennifer and Sandi said...

You have a VERY smart child there! Too cute!

Happy Thursday!

- Jennifer

Stacey said...

She's wise , that one